Song of Solomon is a book we hear of and instantly think of love. You’re not alone; I secretly have part of my vows hidden right there lol. Whenever I read the book, there is always a constant reminder that sticks : “Do not awaken love until it’s appointed time.” I bet that is the same for you too huh? But today, even as we hold on to that truth, God is urging us to yet another instruction that will promote preservation in our lives- a 360 hedge around us – only if we obey and it is my prayer that the Holy Spirit would open the eyes of our understanding and the word will find room in our hearts.
“Catch the foxes for us- the little foxes that ruin the vineyard…for our vineyards are in bloom. ” Song of Solomon 2:15..….the little foxes ruin the vine yard….little foxes. I feel like I need to honor it in its own context before going forward. Vineyard in this case was their love, which was in the state of blooming in it’s full effect and the Shulammite woman is making reference to the destructive “foxes” that could come and ruin their vineyard. This , as Bible scholars tell us is representative of potential problems that would threaten to come between their love and they are wise to rise to that awakening and they initiate the action of “CATCH”. Pulpit Commentary emphasizes that “The idea of clearing the vineyards of depredators well suits the general import of the poem. Let the blossoming love of the soul be without injury and restraint. Let the rising faith and affection be carefully guarded. ” A neglected and unprotected vineyard can easily be destroyed.
Let’s catch these little foxes that ruin vineyards for our vineyards are in bloom. Its like saying let’s get rid of the small stuff that could be our end! When it comes to relationships we are often aware of the things that could be the downfall of the union but what about life in it’s entirety?
Being overpowered by sin isn’t an overnight job. It is an act of daily sowing that becomes evident when you reap the consequence.
I am reminded of a certain week I missed Bible Study because I had to attend a meeting, which had initially been scheduled for the previous week but because of poor planning, we were rushing to compensate and to make matters worse, the meeting started late. We usually have monthly studies as a church every first week of the month for 5 days and I have always attended all the five days. When I missed that day, I felt my meeting was a valid reason, after all it was still God’s work yeah? Another day came and I still missed out and yet again I still told myself it was justified. Don’t get me wrong, I know life happens and we get held up and even emergencies occur and we are also not attending to be marked present in attendance registers but this was unlike me. My dearest pastor had been observing me, like she always does, and she saw beyond my “valid excuses”. She saw more than I saw and she lovingly told me and explained that a disobedient spirit isn’t one that is born over night. It is gradually sown in small acts of defiance. I honestly never looked at it like that. Because there I was, holding my own different meeting whereas there was a corporate one that even halted even the other fellowships just so everyone could gather there. That hit me so hard and I was left wondering how many “excuses” I had made up throughout my life and how long I had been fueling my disobedient seeds in my spiritual life and perhaps even financially. Had I been adding manure and watering them only to get alarmed when it grows?
“The monster you feed will bite you” I don’t know if I got the phrase right but I presume its not far from the original. If you don’t kill it, it will cost you more than your bargained for.
Genesis 4:7 “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it”
What foxes do you need to catch?
Your vineyard , whatever it is equivalent of, is under siege for sure. There is something threatening its fruition. Thankfully we have the Bible to open our eyes to such revelations where we can then use it as a compass and not fall into the same traps.
The earlier you awaken to the realization that your vineyard is being threatened and that you need to start catching all those foxes, the better.
Whatever we find as a hindrance in that which is good, we must put away.
I am talking about the small choices you make, the small moves, the one minute conversations….everything you do is either a fox in disguise ruining you or not. You’ve heard of the haba haba hujaza kibaba swahili proverb yeah? So is it in this case as well, small stuff, small and unattended choices and mistakes equals to big damages eventually.
It is my prayer that we get to the point of valuing our daily and moment by moment steps and being wary of the foxes and not just staring at them as they ruin our vineyard but catching them before they get into destruction mode.
- If it is a conversation that will lead you to fall into the trap of gossip, you need to gracefully end it!
- If it is a relationship that is putting you on the verge of sexual temptation…end it!
- If it is company that is gradually causing you to drift in the wrong direction…get out of it!
- If it is a movie scene that is causing you to sin with your eyes, end it
Anything that is driving you away from Jesus………quit it! I recently saw some post on Instagram that said “Quitting isn’t always a bad thing. Quit running the wrong race, quit those things that drive you away from Him . That is the good kind of quitting.
Dear Lord, I am thankful that your eyes are always roaming the earth and more specifically watching over my life. Thank you that you relay what you find by the power of the Holy Spirit through conviction. Father I pray that by your grace, I may identify these foxes. I pray that my spiritual antenna will be alert and I will not fall to destruction over what I could control, such as my choices! Strengthen me in your presence and keep me from the secret and selfish sins and may they never rule me. Circumcise my heart O God and open my eyes to filter out the good things that may still crowd your presence. In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray. Amen!
Remember, You are light and you are so loved.
May His light shine in you and in everything you do. Do not stay hidden. Let Him be glorified.
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Amen Amen to the prayer
Conviction….. I love this piece ,it spoke to me in such deep level…thank you Chebet you are loved.
Welcome Mutheu
So nice to see you here.
SO glad you have been encouraged.
Love you
Being overpowered by sin isn’t an overnight job. It is an act of daily sowing that becomes evident when you reap the consequence.-this is my take home.
I can relate to this,excuses can get us out of ‘punishment’ but only for a while (and it leads to disobedience which eventually leads to sin),what happens the day you can’t give any more/the days you ran out of it?…
All in all may God help me to stay in His vineyard with total obedience….
Oh dear, may God help us all! We can’t do it without Him.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!
May it be the beginning of newness in your spiritual walk with God
Thank you so much for your feedback!
Wow wow always proud of you baby girl?you got this one right and I love I love❤️❤️.If it doesn’t represent the King of Kings end it,don’t caress sin it will consume you,instead master it…Thanks for this reminder Beautiful.Love you❤️❤️
If it doesn’t represent the King of Kings end it. Love that! Th best and only filter we should use in life.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
The small acts of disobedience we cultivate unknowingly or knowingly are the ones that leads us to sin and the excuses we always give to justify ourselves…May we not overlook this small small acts or choices we make which are not Right…. Because they will yield to sin eventually.
Let’s master sin and not let it over rule us for we’ve been given the power to rule it.
Totally true
Thank you Florence.