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I embarked on my journey in Christianity with such glee and joy, filled with the hope that there would be no sorrows, worries or pain. I believed I would not struggle with sin, let alone be tempted. I believed my walk with God would always be marked by the salutations : Glory! Hallelujah!. I imagined I would be walking the streets of gold and have a table prepared for me; in and out of season, and I would immediately get whatever I asked. However, things on the ‘ground’ proove to be a different reality compared to the picture in my mind or as the ancient slang would translate “vitu kwa ground ni different”. Jesus says that as His disciples we shall undergo what He underwent- pain and suffering, hardship and peril.

Jesus ( son of God) is born into a humble family; in the most humble of circumstances- in a manger. He grows up in obscurity as a carpenter in a workshop, in fact even as He begins his public ministry the people in Nazareth were surprised and it is written that they exclaimed “Isn’t that the son of Joseph the carpenter?” (Matthew 13:55) and one of his disciples Nathaniel would say before his call “What good can come out of Nazareth.”  (John 1:46) Little did He know!

What happened to the treasures untold, and streets of gold? You may ask. Well here goes. The streets of Gold are in heaven- the place where Jesus went to prepare room for us to go to after we leave earth. 

Now as for treasure : Child of God put your hand to the plough and work with your own hands and mind your own business – literally and metaphorically. It is clear God guides and gives men plans to run their organizations and even those entrusted to them. There is therefore no shortcut- no amount giving to preachers (cue the 310 gospel) or special prayer that will yield the fruit that hard and diligent work can. 

It is in business that you often meet people behaving like fans at a football field- eager to give tactical advice on matters they know nothing about. The bible says God gives us the ability to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18) and it is required of us to use legal and just means to acquire wealth (Proverbs 13:11) .It is not only enough to aquire, there is a need to exercise wisdom in saving and investing. I have heard it said – pesa huvuta pesa– loosely translated, money pulls money. This is a principle of life that is defined in scripture; that to him who has much, much is given and to him who has none even the little he has will be taken away (Luke 19: 26).

What we do with our wealth is soley an individual choice. However, God blesses men/women so that they too can be a blessing to others which can look like first taking care of your familial obligation- for the bible rebukes those who would take their offering to the house of God and yet have neglected their families. If there be more left in your purse,  take care of the widows, orphans and poor among you- because as we serve these ones, we serve Christ Himself (Matthew 25:40). 

The area of business and work are interesting areas of life because there is a temptation to think the Gospel does not apply here. However, it applies in every way possible. Virtues like honesty, diligence, how to deal with credit and loans, how you choose to use your money and instructions on not to squander wealth are mentioned throughout the Proverbs. 

God or Money?

Our relationship with money is a  spiritual meter that clearly indicates who we trust more, God or Money. This is a continuous cycle in life that is constantly refined as we make life choices, so that in the end we trust God instead of money. Money says “I will give you what you want and give you happiness” but this never lasts long . God says “I will provide for all your needs according to My riches in glory” and He promises us joy unspeakable- this lasts forever.

Whereas money promises- power,popularity, friends and goods, God promises his presence where he keeps our hearts and souls nourished, needs met, clears our lives of false friends and eliminates clutter due to hoarding. 

When Jesus was on earth He talked about money as much as He talked about the kingdom of God.  In talking about money- he refers to it as a rival god. Just as God needs our devotion so does money in the same way capture our devotion and  worship (Matthew 6:24). He even gives money the name mormon. We as human beings pursue what we love and in our society many have ended up in great trouble for pursuing money in immoral and unjust ways, others have lost their lives or those of their loved ones in such vices. 

Jesus makes it clear that living for personal gain will only lead to great anxiety .  They often work together to lead us away from a balanced life and devoted life. We need to realize that the essence of life is not found in the possession of things and that worry about the future is never helpful. By ourselves we have little power to change the future,  so we must trust God to take care of us. (Matthew 6:19-34)

Materialism and anxiety are enemies of spiritual growth.

Therefore, when money tries to allure you to trust in it and “get what you can and can what you get”, we are called to overcome that urge by  storing our treasure in heaven – by taking care of the, orphans, widows, those who are disadvantaged in our society and meeting needs in our surrounding. Our hearts change from selfishness, pride and self importance when we extend our lives, hands and resources to help another who is in need – that is, we were created to greatly find satisfaction in helping others around us. 

In conclusion I ask what will it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose his soul (Mark 8:36). Money promises power and influence, while Jesus promises the joy of knowing God and experiencing his virtue of love, joy ,peace, patience, kindness, goodness and  self control.

Choose today whom you will serve God Almighty or Money. 

4 thoughts on “DETHRONING THE RIVAL ‘GOD’ IN OUR HEARTS#SpiritualMeterCheck.

  1. Whereas money promises- power, popularity, friends, and goods, God promises his presence where he keeps our hearts and souls nourished, needs met, clears our lives of false friends, and eliminates clutter due to hoarding. 🔥🔥

    Helen this is everything🥺♥️♥️🤗 beautiful and deep in every sense. This should be our constant reminder, we can’t serve two masters… may God help us to choose the Chief master who remains the master over money.♥️♥️

  2. Beautiful reminder
    That what Jesus offers is way more valuable compared to what money offers.
    May we seek God, the source of ALL things❤️

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