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Wait. This is a word we would willingly remove from our vocabularies; it isn’t one we are happy to receive. It is no one’s favorite yet it is a word that we can’t seem to avoid. We have been recipients of this word throughout our lives; from our parents, our teachers, our friends, and God Himself.

Some wait for opportunities eg. school, career

Some wait for spouses

Some wait for children

Some wait for intangible yet life-dependent blessings such as restoration of health, the lasting peace, and joy that is only found in God


Even in the seasons of abundance or when life seems to be at its peak, there is always something we are eagerly looking forward to. This doesn’t always translate into ingratitude or discontentment but is merely a reflection of how we are created for more.

I am right here in the waiting season. I know how it feels to wait. Being a human with overflowing imaginations, hopes, dreams, and aspirations, it sometimes feels like this is a hole I dig for myself but then I remember the word of God says in Proverbs 16:3 to commit our desires to God and He will establish them.

Psalm 27:14 “Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage. He shall strengthen your heart.”

While I was praying this morning and all of the hopes and dreams came to mind, my heart was almost deflating because reality declared and continues to declare the fruition of these things impossible. The Lord couldn’t watch me drown and so He reminded me of Sarah and I laughed and then I thought, this must be why God chose Sarah to minister to me this morning. Sarah had watched and waited and even got to the point of despair that she sought to fix it through Hagar””|
l’l (Genesis 16:2)

When we circle back to the conversation in Genesis 17 when God makes the promise, we see Abraham caught in bewilderment and he also laughs as he said “Shall a child be born to a man who is 100 years? Genesis 17:17. Later on when the three men come to visit and Sarah eavesdrops, she also laughs and says “After I am worn out, and my Lord how shall I have pleasure?”

Other than getting the truth of His word to my Spirit, God equally wanted me to see how similar I react to some of these promises as Sarah did.

I laugh. I think how far-fetched it can be and then I laugh. I also go ahead and present to God some of the real facts about my case.

Some blessings and words of promise from God may sound ridiculous if you have been waiting for too long and the reality seems impossible. It however doesn’t mean they are impossible!

God has been putting tape on my mouth and silencing me by asking me to quit presenting facts that attempt to disregard the promise because of my limited perspective. It is easy to look at Sarah’s situation and immediately skip to the three chapters right after and think she must’ve had a smooth sail afterward. The posture of waiting is not a work of passiveness. It takes more work to wait than to walk in the promises. Waiting means to actively watch for the Lord’s hand believing that He is moving even in the unseen. Facts do not cancel God’s word. They may seem difficult but it only goes to exalt the power of God. “Nothing will be impossible with God” Luke 1:37

I am so grateful that God doesn’t engage us by explaining the hows and why because best believe we would be going back in cycles because His ways are too great to comprehend and I would probably have more questions. In Genesis 18:14 the only response God gives is “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”


One thing I know and I have seen over time and heard testimonies of is the accomplishment of God’s word Isaiah 55:11 “His word shall not return to Him void and it must accomplish that which it was sent to do

Genesis 21:1 “The Lord visited Sarah as He had said and the Lord did to Sarah as He had promised.”

The laughter that was coated in disbelief was now laughter of testimonies wrapped in the faithfulness of God. It was a laugh that was accompanied by great rejoicing. Genesis 21:8 “God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh over me.”

Wait at His door with prayer. Wait at His feet with humility. Wait at His table with service. Wait at His window with expectancy.


I do not know what season of waiting you are in but I pray that your heart will continue to be encouraged. I pray that like Mary, we will all believe that there shall be a fulfillment of everything spoken to us by the Lord. (Luke 1:45)

Romans 15:13 “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

You are light and you are so loved. Stay anchored and keep His light shining through.

4 thoughts on “THE WAIT

  1. Profound!!🔥🥳 This is a beautiful read because it touches on the practicality of Christianity and you have done justice on it.♥️

    However difficult Waiting can be, it seems bearable when we get to work on our focus. The devil will always focus on the facts but God will always focus on the truth. However much the facts can reasonably glare at us, it’s important to fix our focus on the truth no matter what, may God help me/us to keep adjusting my/our lenses and stand on God’s truth.

    Thanks so much, this is encouraging.♥️♥️

  2. Wow! How Love this post!

    The posture of waiting is not a work of Passiveness. It takes more work to wait than to walk in the promise… Waiting means to actively watch for the Lord’s hand believing that He’s moving in the unseen🙌🙌🙌

    Feeling so encouraged! Thanks.

    1. So glad that it has encouraged you.
      May God help us wait and wait really well as we look to His promises

      Good to see you here!

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