Passage: Matthew 13:3-23 ; Mark 4:3-20 Luke 8:5-15
- Audience: A great Crowd
- Context: Jesus teaching besides a lake
- Theme: Cultivating the ground of our hearts for God’s word to grow
Along the path It is too hard; nothing grows on it | The seed never penetrates. It is snatched away, Satan immediately takes it | It is a clear indication of how the word is received without understanding because of Satan’s blinding (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) |
The Rocky Ground The soil is thin and the seed can spring up quick yet lacks depth | Seed springs up but is scorched and withers away (Symbolic of trials and tribulation) | Describes the error of zeal without communion, conversion without depth, and the fading enthusiasm once the excitement is over |
Thorns The soil is too fertile; which means it allows a lot to grow on it. | The seed grows but is choked by the thorns (Symbolic of the cares of the world, lust, pleasures, etc.) | Shows how the word of God can have room to grow but is crowded by the things of this world; competition from unspiritual things (1 John 5:21; 1 John 2:15-17) |
Good ground The soil is fertile and has no weeds that can choke up the word | The seed grows and produces grain; is fruitful | Describes the fruitfulness of those who hear the word, accept it, live by it, and bear fruit |
REFLECT : What kind of soil am I?
How we receive the gospel is determined by the condition of our heart
Jesus Film
- PATH/WAYWARD: Does Satan believe in the power of the Word more than we do? Is he quick to snatch it than we are quick to receive?
- ROCKY GROUND: Are we trapped in the pursuit of entertainment and enthusiasm of gospel joy more than depth? Only allowing our zeal to be surface level?
- THORNS: What is crowding the Word of God? What unspiritual things have we allowed to grow in our hearts?
- GOOD GROUND: How do I prepare my heart to be the good soil?
Groundbreaking #RockyGround
For the longest time, there is a question that has played around in the hearts and minds of many a sojourner: Why do bad things happen to good people? By our human understanding, we imagine that goodness is measured by our actions and the intent of those actions. But, what is God’s definition of good?
In the gospel of Luke 18:18-19, there is an interaction that takes place between Christ and a Ruler: “A ruler asked Jesus, `Good Teacher, what must I do so that I will live forever?’ Jesus answered him, `Why do you call me good? Only one is good, and that is God.”So, if God Is Good, and we were created in His image and likeness, and His desire is for us to pursue Him, and seek to be like Him, yet we fall short, what lengths would He go to in order for Him to achieve this in us, and through us; not even withholding His own Son?
Life and its experiences shape us and give us a certain structure of belief that dictates the choices and decisions we make. It hardens us and it breaks us, challenges us, and molds us. It helps define the path that we choose to take in life. Many times we feel so embittered by these experiences, and whether people believe in Him or not, we tend to blame God for everything (Selah). Now, it may sound weird for me to say this next, but I think that is a good thing, and a good place to start in allowing God to minister His heart to us. When my dad rested, I blamed God for everything and daily lashed out at Him in anger. Little did I know, that somehow, these outbursts were my tears to God, and He received them; and though it took a mighty long time, the healing began to take shape; it was all a part of His plan.
We all go through these stages and phases of life, as I did, that would blind us and cause us not to see God’s divine plan. The experiences, more often than not, tend to cripple us, and we go through seasons where we are unable to allow the Word of God to anchor us. We hear people say, “Learn your lessons, and pass your test so that you never have to be in this situation again.” and I believe this to be true
The experiences, surrendered to God, and experienced in God, work together to break up and remove the rocks, and clear barriers that cause us not to find anchorage in the Word of God.
With every experience, comes enlightenment; with enlightenment comes growth. The experiences, surrendered to God, and experienced in God, work together to break up and remove the rocks, and clear barriers that cause us not to find anchorage in the Word of God. Just like a farmer has to till the ground and prepare it, so does God work through these experiences to till our hearts(Jeremiah 4:3; Hosea 10:12), so that His word can find permanent residence and grow and manifest in us. As a result, we too grow, mature, and manifest the greatness of our God.
A PRAYER (Edith’s Journal)
Dear Lord, I want to make room for your word in my heart so grant me understanding because the entrance of your word brings light and the enemy cannot keep me blinded. I pray that even as I commit to delighting in your word, I will not have a fading enthusiasm; the kind that burns out. Strengthen me by your word so that trials and tribulations will not sweep me away. Help me to follow you even when it gets hard. To be exposed in your presence makes my heart a fertile ground yet I realize that my heart can accommodate things that will compete with your word, the pleasures of this world that choke out what is planted. Lord, renew my commitment to you each day and help me dethrone everything that competes with my affection for you and the growth of your word in my heart. Thank you for handling me with grace and plowing the hard parts of my heart with so much love and patience. Teach me to yield to your transformative power. Cultivate the ground of my heart for you are the perfect gardener. Help me stand by my resolve to sow the word daily and with diligence so I can bear fruit with patience. Amen
God is more interested in our growing up than in our going up. Our going up does not guarantee our growing up, but our growing up shall definitely result in our going up.
Dear Lord I only want to grow up🥺🙌🙌
Thanks so much for this, beautiful beautiful♥️♥️♥️♥️
I have so many highlights… Idk where to start… I am blessed… Even by the prayer at the end❤️… Thank you Edith and Harriet… Sounds weird saying Edith😂
I know!
So many lessons.
Love it!