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2 Peter 2:19 ...for you are a slave to whatever controls you. [NLT]
Also read Gen 4:7 ; Romans 6:12-14 ; 1 John 3:4-6 Ephesians 6:10-18

“You will never have authority over what you are entertained by.” Its been more than a year since I heard that statement and it is still as relevant today as it was that day. It has always been an invitation to evaluate my source of entertainment and to dissect the true reason for my indulgence. What comes to mind when you read the statement? I had to come to terms with hard truths as I listed the things that I gravitate towards when it comes to entertainment. I should clarify  that I don’t necessarily refute all forms of entertainment but I am referring to those we steal glances at and find it so hard to say no to when we should.The sinful traps dipped in pleasure, coated and dripping with desire. [James 1:14-15] It made so much sense why we find it so hard to say no to some of the things we let into our spaces. We can’t say no because it is what entertains, it is what we go for when we need to “let out” or “take a break” . How can you say no to what is “good”? However, if you can’t have authority over it then it simply means you are on the opposite side of the rope which is enslavement. Sin crotches in many ways and forms but it is still sin nonetheless ; whether we try to pet it or cover it. The beast you feed will kill you.

No form of pleasure is worth a disconnect from God.

Our mere existence is a war in formation. As Christians, we have been postured to line up for battle ever since the fall of man in Genesis. Sin became a part of us and the division created by it was bridged when Jesus died for our sins. However, being made man, because of our frailty , we will always be on the verge of falling short and sinning. But that should not be the reason to reconcile oneself to its charms . Why ? Sin is abhorrent in God’s sight. God is Holy, He is righteous and so pure and anything short of it is repelling. [Isaiah 59:2]

It is normal to fight sin because it is a true expression of our devotion to God, in whom there is no sin. Unfortunately, many of us get tired and resort to hopelessness especially if it is in an endless cycle of one step forward and two steps backward. No one likes stagnation and fighting over the same sin again and again can be exhausting, as it should , because sin offers no negotiation table for you to plea your deal favorably and neither does it back away willingly because you said no in the first attempt. However, don’t be exhausted and give into it. No one of God makes a practice of sinning. [1 John 3:9]

“True Christianity is a struggle…. Where there is grace, there will be conflict. The believer is a soldier and there is no holiness without warfare.” John Charles Ryle

Everyday is a battle and I would want to be a menace to the devil; to live so obediently that he gets frustrated. That everyday I awake he says “not again” .  [Acts 19:15] is the most desired form of praise any believer can wish for; to be known in hell.  This can only be possible by fighting sin and shoving it out the door!

The Bible has many who fought sin like Joseph as well as those who fell into sin and found their way back like David. But lately, I have been reading through the series of Kings in the Bible and how each served in their tenure and while I felt so heartbroken and disappointed most of the time, I also got to recognize those who fought tooth and nail to restore back God’s holy nation to Him as well as the sacredness of worship. While there was no Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube, the people must’ve heard and seen the succession and each kings downfall right? I can only imagine when the kings were being sworn into office, how frightening it was because being in a leadership position where the successor walked waywardly only left them with two options; the easy way being to follow suit or the hard way which means standing all alone and doing the hard work. Though many started and didn’t finish well, I can’t help but applaud their bravery.

King Josiah, son of Amon, the son of Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah captures my attention the most because of the diligence with which he fought to restore true worship in [2 Kings 22- 23 ; 2 Chronicles 34-35]. Not to mention that he was 8 years old when he became King and while he was still young, he begun to seek the God of his father David and then in the twelfth year he begun to purge Jerusalem and Judah…complete clean up! He was well aware that no one could return to the True Yahweh and true worship without complete purging of false gods and their altars.

Sin doesn’t make a peaceful exit; we have to wage war against it, fight it and go at it in all directions. 

The danger of continually sinning, shrugging off sin as mere weaknesses and petting  desires we should say no to  is that even with consistent rebuke and correction, there is a growing rebellion deep within that makes our hearts, hearts of stone. Habitual sinning is forbidden [Hebrews 10:26-27] and the hardening of our hearts causes us to only learn through punishment instead of repentance for then we will be as the Israelites who had eyes and couldn’t see , ears but couldn’t hear [Isaiah 6:9-10] ; [Jeremiah 5:21] a true expression of spiritual blindness and no understanding. 

What have you been battling that you seem to be giving into? Do you need to get all your tools out and line up once again? The failures of yesterday do not determine today’s battle but fight today’s battle’s without holding back. The overwhelming love of God is pouring out on us. He promises restoration. He calls back to us to return, to have meek and humble hearts.

While we may sometimes sin unknowingly or unintentionally, we have to be ready to fight it consciously using the true mirror – God’s word! Knowing this and living like it, sets us up to win daily! God promises forgiveness [1 John 1:9] and no condemnation [Romans 8:1] and a new heart [Ezekiel 36:26] but like Paul says, it is no excuse to sin greatly just because grace abounds [Romans 6:1-2]. You’re not a slave. Jesus won that battle on the cross [Romans 6:6 ] Keep meditating on the beauty of God’s word and be strengthened . Put on His full armour daily to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and that you may be able to stand in the evil day , and having done all, to stand. SUIT UP ! [Ephesians 6:10-18.]

You are light and you are so loved. Stay anchored and keep His light shining through!

4 thoughts on “SUIT UP!

  1. You will never have authority over what you are entertained by…this is a life changer statement,so long as you toy with it you remain a slave to it,because you can only conquer something you hate.May God help me more so to quickly repent and turn away from any sin and not allow it to entangle. May He grant me the grace to say no to sin. Thanks Beautiful for this sobering article. God bless you❤️❤️❤️

  2. Romans 6:23 ‘The wages of sin is death.” If we entertain sin and not fight it we invite death that is set in motion each time we violate God’s law. We need to ask God every time to show us where our hearts are not clean and right with Him.

    Nothing is worth to separate us from God and from all that He has for us.

    Thank you for this amazing reminder. ?

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