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Connecting art and God’s word? Is it possible? 

There are many exciting things when it comes to engaging with scripture. Many tools have been made available to  invite us to delight in the beauty of God’s word. One of them being : Bible Journaling.

Bible Journaling is differentiated from scripture journaling in regards to where you note down the teachings. questions and prayers. Bible Journaling makes use of the Bible Margins instead of a separate journal/notebook. I will admit when I started out I would feel so conscious about my Bible pages ; what should I write, how do I write it, what if I make a mistake and so on. I am now further along in this journey and  I  threw caution to the wind. I quit overthinking the presentation and allowed myself to be immersed in the truth itself and how the representation helped in solidifying it. You can say  I grew into it or maybe it just grew on me.

A journaling bible is a Bible that has wide margins on the sides that allows you to freely jot down notes as you get inspired while reading the word. It is also provides the provision of getting creative by adding relatable drawings to the scriptures however you see fit.

I should add that even a Bible without well defined margins can still incorporate aspects of “Bible Journaling”

Bible Journaling can transform how you engage with scripture. It invites an excitement that keeps you coming back and it is not only for the artsy people (I am a testimony) . It is for everyone who desires to creatively engage with God’s word and there is room for every willing heart.

Bible Journaling makes you love your Quiet Time more. I actually look forward to waking up in the mornings, studying, and creating and in loving the word I grow deeper in loving God; loving Him through knowing His commands thus positioning myself to keep it.

Bible Journaling allows you to assimilate God’s word in a way that is fitting to your personality/preference. There are no rules to Bible Journaling. Perhaps you are a serious note taker like I am or you best represent it in drawing. It gives you flexibility to delight anyhow; you choose.

Bible Journaling also helps in memorizing scripture. A good example is the Inspire Bible with some artistically marked verses on the margins that invite you to color . I have benefited from those verses and they do not just look pretty on the page.

Bible Journaling is a revelation time tracker. It allows you to note specific dates and as you read later you are able to track specific revelation as well as encourage yourself in hard seasons or be reminded of necessary truths. 

Personally, Bible Journaling has allowed me to “live” in my Bible as I am constantly going back and forth in the notes I have written. I write everything. From what God teaches me, prayers, praises, character illumination,  to even quotes from other Bible Teachers. 


Supplies : Bible, Colored pencils, Sticky Notes, Washi tape, Highlighters, Markers, Water color kit , Stickers, Paper Towel etc. ; the list is endless. This is varied depending on where one starts. I begun with only colored pencils and stickers. This goes to show that it is beyond the “items”. You can make use of anything.

STEP ONE: Pick a scripture.
  • What is that one verse that stands out? Are there specific words that you would like to dissect further? key words, actionable words, convicting words
  • Read the verse. What does it mean to you? Is it an encouragement in that season? Is it a promise? Is it a rebuke? Is it a call to action? Note down as is applicable.

Example : Psalm 19:14 “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight. O Lord My Strength and Redeemer.”

STEP TWO: Decide how you intend to represent the verse.
  • Are you drawing it? What will you use?
  • Are you going to outline it? Which words will be bolded? (if you are hand lettering)

Are you going to have a sticker with a mouth representation or a heart you want to include??

  • What word will you expound on?
  • Are there other relatable words?
  • Which other verses can you incorporate? Eg Psalms 104:34. The Margins give enough room to include cross references as you read. 
STEP THREE: “Spice” as you see fit.
  • Use Colored pencils or watermark colors incase you drew
  • Mark out the key words, bold them and add stickers
  • Tab it if you wish for easier access and to also invite you to re read and meditate on it.

You can include personal reminders ; those that are even only understood by you.  The goal is to make sure it means something to you and the representation only serves to foster understanding.


Much as Bible Journaling revolves around a visual aspect, you should always remember that it is a means of hiding God’s word in your heart and representing it in an easy way. Getting artsy is not the goal and we should be careful not to have colored pages and unattended hearts.

As you care for your pages, equally care for your heart.

Do not be caught in the trap of perfection on how your drawings look like or how your doodles turn out. Connect with God in the way that is most natural to you.

Get started with any Bible that you have and remember the visuals are only catalysts and enhancers to delighting.

As a good way, you can be part of a community that you will encourage and inspire each other. Some Instagram Accounts to check out are:

  1.  Illustrated Faith
  2. Simple Bible
  3. Spark.passion
  4. Topknotsandjesus
  5. Makewells

Any other favorites you know??

Happy Journaling ! Get Creative!! Get Delighting!

You are light and you are so loved. Stay Anchored and Keep His light shining through.


  1. Beautiful Beautiful!!! Yes i have a favorite i know…Christ My Anchor??????♥️♥️♥️???.

  2. This is literally beautiful. I enjoyed reading through and being reminded how to connect with God through journaling.
    God bless you dear.

  3. I love this.. Will follow the steps ?

    #Christ my Anchor
    #Keep the light shining

  4. This is so amazing indeed. Now I know I don’t have to be perfect but focus on what the journaling purpose is intended for.
    Thanks a lot.

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