Graphs; Math graphs. I never really liked these lessons back in school and one thing that I never really got was how it would look right and still not be right. The visual aspect of it is what was appealing plus the bonus marks that were given when you simply drew the x and y-axis. When I think of Even now-Even if, I think of it in terms of a graph. These are two extremes and much as there may be no direct interrelation along the spectrum, it brings out how varying our confessions can be depending on the situations we are in. Some determining factors being our attitudes, spiritual standing, posture, and faith.
I needed comfort this past week and music is one way God ministers to my heart when I have no words to utter. I was listening to Hillsong’s Another in the fire and Daniel 3:16-18 is the backbone verse and I went ahead to read that portion and soon after I was listening to Mercy Me and I couldn’t help but wonder how I balance the in-between. Caught between the Even if He doesn’t and in the belief that Even Now He can. The truth is sometimes the answers we get when we pray can be so hard to swallow.
EVEN NOW – John 11:1-44
In the story that famously signified the compassion of Jesus at climax where He wept (John 11:35), I am intrigued by the actions of Martha and it starts off with her words. She had just lost her brother and was in a period of mourning and probably in question too, seeing as Jesus, who was their friend, the Messiah, didn’t show up when they needed Him. It must have hit Mary hard because she remained at home while Martha on the other hand, upon hearing Jesus was coming, went to meet Him. Like any human being, it was only right to express her feelings and state just how His presence would’ve made a difference but what she says right after her venting is what I want us to hang on “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.
Even Now. Many times we may feel like God is late because we think our calendars are right on schedule and in our own limited view we write off something that in its own time (God’s perfect timing) may have matured into a bigger blessing. I am reminded of what I read that sometimes it looks like God is missing the mark because we are too shortsighted to see what He is aiming for. Earlier on in the text, (John 11:4), it is written “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”. Neither Martha nor Mary had received this memo just like we haven’t either in many areas of our lives as well. Will we then close the doors to God when He shows up “later” than we expected? Or will we have the faith like Martha to say But Even Now? My financial situation has pushed me to the end and I don’t know where to turn but even now…... It has been said that I may never get married because it’s been many years too long but even now… They said that I would never have children because I am past the childbearing age but even now… It doesn’t even make sense that I am here hoping for a miracle after countless times of waiting but even now.
These string of words symbolize hope and faith and yet to utter them would mean putting ourselves up for scrutiny (from the public) and the voices that say “What if it doesn’t” only seems louder and more convincing. I am reminded of Jairus’ situation when the woman with the flow of blood interrupted Jesus on His way to heal his daughter and people even sent a message urging him not to trouble Jesus for she was dead and when Jesus told them she was only sleeping, they ridiculed and laughed (Luke 8:53). This was another invitation from Jesus for them to believe in the Even Now.
When we seek to guard our reputation to save face, we end up missing out on God’s reputation that is symbolized by the display of power, might and sovereignty that could’ve been made manifest in our situations.
EVEN IF – Daniel 3:16-18
On the flip side, coming to the acceptance that even when situations don’t change, God will remain good is a heart’s attitude that we will either willingly yield to or learn the hard way when we are hit with situations we can’t get out of. “Even if He doesn’t heal my daughter. Even if He doesn’t grant me a job. Even if He doesn’t restore… He will still remain Good. Here’s where the three Hebrew boys come in. They started off with an Even Now attitude and confession (vs 17) ….if that’s the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace. But they stretched further to say Even if He doesn’t ….. (vs 18) But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” (NLT, NIV). This right here is wholehearted devotion that doesn’t come without a pursuit and a rooted belief in God.
The things we experience have a way of influencing our thoughts and our perceptions which should then invite us to lift ourselves off of it. Because, if we allow situations to dictate our view of God and do not allow God to reveal Himself, we will never get to say even if He doesn’t.
In both the even now and even if, it is easy to say or assume that perhaps the Lord was nonchalant. Why? In Martha’s case, He let Lazarus die while in the three Hebrew boys, they were actually thrown in the fire yet He had the power to step in and silence their accusers. Yet He wasn’t oblivious or unconcerned in either. They were each pushed to extremes and not exempted from it so that God would show up and display His glory but even more so, their faith was tested.
One thing that’s for sure is that to utter either of these statements or both will require a continuous posture of kneeling at the feet of God and seeking His face. It just doesn’t come from occasionally opening our Bibles or attending small groups once a week. It is in the posture of endlessly seeking that we experience a perspective shift and grow in the place of faith.
- Even now…He can still do it and I will sing He is good
- Even if He doesn’t…I will still sing He is good.
“O for a faith that will not shrink, though pressed by many a foe, that will not murmur nor complain beneath the chastening rod, But in the hour of grief or pain, will lean upon its God. A faith that keeps the narrow way. Lord, give us such a faith as this, and then, whatever may come, We’ll taste even here the hallowed bliss Of an eternal home.” Excerpt from Hymn Writer, William Bathurst.
May our confessions reflect the deep need in us that seeks His glory and may the knowledge of Him keep us grounded in faith.
May our trust in God move from being conditional to unconditional.
May our hearts trust His unfailing and tender love even when He answers in a way we didn’t see or expect because His best is better than our plan.
May we have an Even now faith that will grow towards an Even if He doesn’t faith. Like Mercy Me, I pray that we may receive strength to be able to declare that It is well and He is good for those times when God chooses to leave the mountains unmovable.
You are light and you are so loved. Stay anchored and keep His light shining through
Wooow.Its in the posture of endlessly seeking Him that our perspective shifts and our faith grows from EVEN NOW to EVEN IF.
God bless you, Edith☺
Yes Regina. Good to see you here
May our faith grow
Thank you for your feedback dear
Wow! I love II’ve ♥️♥️ thanks… in this recent years God has taught me that EVEN NOW and EVEN IF is the language of God,He understands it so well,it’s a form of surrender! When we live this He willingly steps in into our situation.
May my posture remain constant and may I always know that He is God above all else…so help me God!
You have done justice to this thanks love ❤️?,May God continue to use you and may He continue to reveal Himself to you. Thaaanks Mami♥️♥️
It is the language of God. WOW!
Amen and Amen. Let our posture remain in the place of unshakable faith.
Thank you for your continuous encouragement and feedback ma. Truly appreciated. God bless
This is so beautiful thank you for sharing your heart for Jesus and reminding me this;
“That my trust in God should move from being conditional to uncondtional.”
Thank you Sizzy ♥️?♥️
Sizzzzy…thank you
Feeling blessed. God bless you Edith
Thank you Robley
Good to see you here. ???
This amazing piece has blessed me be today. Even when God chooses to leave the mountain unmovable He is still Faithful.
Yes. Forever remains faithful. That He is
Love it! amazing piece my dear. Indeed He remains God even when circumstances around us don’t change. God bless.
Thank you so much dear.
Good to see you here. ???
Yes. He is God and He is Good.
I know you’re able and I know you can
Save through the fire with your mighty hand
But evwn uf you don’t
My hope is you alone?
I made the even if prayer on Sunday and seeing this just gives me more strength to just praise through?♥️♥️
Thank youuu
That song ??? Much needed truth.
May God strengthen your heart to keep praising through.
Thank you for your feedback dear.
This year I have been in that state of “Even Now” and “Even If”.. It has taught me the true meaning of total surrender!!
I met God ” in the wilderness ” where I only went alone and looking back I just give God praise because through it all,He still remained to be God and so good!!
Thank you so much sweetie for allowing Him to use you.
I am so glad the Lord has shown Himself in that manner for you sweetie. I thank God sweetie.
Let’s keep trusting Him.
He is good