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2023 has gone by like the wind and even as I document this, it seems as though it was only yesterday when we shouted Happy New Year, full of expectation; hearts eager to see how our dreams would be fashioned as they came to fruition. In a few days, we will be singing Happy New Year and then another cycle begins with more or less the same patterns and rhythms and then we proceed with what is now registered as mundane

Seasons have come and go and for many, we want to wish away 2023, so that perhaps we can have a renewed hope for 2024. I have found that the eagerness we have for something makes us set expectations. Before we cross over I want to invite you to a place of reflecting and giving thanks. Earlier this week, I read a verse in Psalm 33:1 that says Praise befits the upright. Other versions say Right living people sound best when praising Some say Praise from the uprights sounds beautiful.

We may be tempted to rip in shreds where we had written our goals when the year started as we look at some that are yet to come to pass. On the contrary, some are marveling at how God has done great things. Psalm 40:5 “You have multiplied your thoughts and deeds towards me.” and no matter where you lie, praise is required of us. The sad thing is our pleas are often louder than our praises. We tend to have more energy as we cry out to God for requests, petitions only for our praises to be stifled and to be on low volume. I am inclined to ask: Is your plea louder than your praise?

When I read this scripture(Psalm 33:1), it felt like a great conviction and a reminder of how we are required to live in a posture of praise. There is only one thing that is appropriate for those who love God: Praise; not complaints, not worry, not agitation, just praise! In every season, the posture of our hearts should be centered on praise.

Befit: appropriate for, suitable for.

A befitting posture for those receiving a king or a head of state is one of honor and respect

A befitting deed for attendees at a wedding when the bride walks in is to stand

A befitting reaction or response to one who has given birth or achieved any milestone is Congratulations.

A befitting response to one who is grieving is to mourn with them.

A befitting response to one who is suffering is to comfort and empathize with them

The list could go on and on but what we can establish is that there is a desired and expected response to everything.

What characterizes your response to all the blessings that God has bestowed this year? One of the most profound scriptures in James 3:10 says, out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing..and it shouldn’t be so. There are so many things we be on the fence about but our praise cannot be associated with complaints and discontentment.

Here is my invitation to you today: PAUSE and PRAISE. How, you may ask.

  • Take some time alone
  • Invite the Holy Spirit as you pray that He may bring to remembrance core memories of the year
  • If you are like me, take your gratitude journal and go through it…you will be surprised of the things your mind shoved aside.
  • Write down the highlights of your year. Acknowledge seasons that were difficult and still praise God for carrying you through.
  • Spend some time praising God, thank Him in prayer, thank Him in songs (dance and worship)
  • Share a few testimonies with your circle of friends/ community. Praise isn’t a silent thing. Though His deeds towards us may be too many to tell(Psalm 40:5: Psalm 106:2) share at least two or three with someone (Psalm 9:1)

Practicing gratitude is deliberately calling to mind the blessings of God. I pray that you will be refreshed as you recall God’s goodness over your life. Regardless of how 2023 turned out, you are still in God’s hand and He remains faithful to perfect all that concerns you. May your heart be strengthened with the truth that He is faithful to bring to completion all that He has begun

Happy Holidays!


  1. Wow! 🔥 just Wow🔥🔥
    Beautiful beautiful piece🥹♥️it sure is a befitting posture for the righteous 🔥🔥

    This year God taught me this… I have seen what praise and thanksgiving does and it’s just beautiful.🥹🙌

    Yesterday I woke up trusting God for something instead of asking for it I chose to thank Him🥹😭 and guez what I slept that evening with an answer that i praised and thanked Him for without demanding for it🥹🙏

    I choose to remain in this posture! So help me God🙌🏾🙏

    Thanks, beautiful for this reminder, love you♥️♥️

  2. Is my plea louder than my praise? Such a good question to ponder on.

    Still in God’s hand and He will perfect everything that concerns me! Thank you for this amazing post😍

  3. Is my plea louder than my praise? What a sober question to ponder on!!!

    God is faithful and He will perfect everything that concerns me! Thanks for the amazing post you’ve shared 😍

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