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A couple of months ago, I celebrated my salvation birthday and my heart was leaping with joy as I thought back to the day I truly started living, the day God drew me to Himself. The day He set me up for a life of endless fulfillment and satisfaction in Him. The day I walked forward to the altar and made a public confession to renounce my past and invite the King of Kings as Lord over my life.

I wish there was a heart scan, not the kind that tests the health condition like the ones at the hospital, but the kind of scan that can allow you to see my heart so you could visualize the intensity of my joy.

Unlike our birthdays that end after the cake is cut, this is a day that doesn’t have to wait a year to be celebrated because every day we walk uprightly with God is a day closer to eternity that must be acknowledged and celebrated. Yet I have observed that birthdays and anniversaries are often at the forefront of our minds and even without much emphasis, we find ourselves celebrating. We don’t need to set alarms for these occasions. But many of us can barely remember our salvation birthdays.

On the 4th of June, I recall saying yes to Jesus as Lord and Savior of my life and yet the truth is that every day with Jesus is a day of YES. As I reflected in gratitude this year, I felt God nudging me to the realization of what I signed up for; a life of endless yes’s

Every day He keeps calling;

Calling me to a life of godliness

Calling me to a life of purity

Calling me to a life of righteousness

Calling me to a life of obedience

Calling me to a life of devotion

Calling me to a life of oneness with Him

Calling me to a life of surrender

Calling me to a life of faith, trust, hope

Calling me to a life of pursuit- the pursuit of His knowledge and calling

He keeps calling. He keeps beckoning. He keeps on inviting

I am thankful for the hunger that I have had over the years. It is my daily prayer to always have God occupy me and all spaces in my life! Every day I WANT MORE !!!!!! As is obvious, every day is a war against the flesh, and with His help, I have fought and I still testify that my life is best with Him in it.


Immediately, is one of the references that I find useful when it comes to saying yes. I am learning that God needs our yes immediately; not when we have tried all else and failed. To walk with God is to involve Him in everything and to always wait on Him. Saying yes to God moment by moment takes dying to self and discarding the opinions of others and our own; no matter how justified we feel.

In the Bible, we see many people who said yes; Abraham, Noah, Moses, Gideon, Joseph, Esther, and many more. While their YES was associated with great, visible, and significant assignments, it does not nullify the opportunities to say yes that are seen even in the mundane.

Yes; to pause a project because God says it is not yet time

Yes; to extend forgiveness when it still hurts

Yes; to refrain from speaking in an argument

Yes; to doing the unseen as you watch others get credit

Great things, important things, always begin with someone saying yes to God, and then moving along one yes at a time


Samuel models a posture that is critical for those who desire to say YES each waking day.  “Speak Lord, for your servant hears. (1 Samuel 3:10) We must tune our ears to the heavenly frequency; close to the throne, so we can always be listening in to the whispers He sends. We can only do this with the help of the Holy Spirit who dwells with us and in us (John 14:17). We must learn to submit to the leadership of the Holy Spirit on a day-to-day basis. (1 Thessalonians 5:19). In a Christian’s life, the Holy Spirit is AIR. We will become spiritually dead if we do not lean into His guidance.

Our attentiveness to His voice determines how and when we respond

Saying YES to God can be uncomfortable, difficult, and unpopular, and yet it remains to be the best way to live. It is rewarding and life-changing. May you be found faithful and obedient to His voice. Keep Saying YES.

9 thoughts on “A LIFE OF ENDLESS YES’S.

  1. We signed to a life of endless Yes’s for sure🥺♥️ I must admit we should never treat it as a contract but as a covenant. Then and only then will we realize it’s a daily posture we must take.

    Thanks so much for this reminder, and calling us out, i really enjoyed reading it and didnt want to stop🥺♥️♥️

  2. Sweet piece indeed😊
    My yes should be immediate and if i become stubborn “God will send help from somewhere else (am reminded of esther)
    My yes will be quicker,thankyou Edith😊

    1. I missed you over here. Good to see you, hun.
      Imagine the opportunity to partner with God passing us simply because we refused to say yes.
      God help us.

      Thank you for this

  3. A life of endless Yes’s! That’s what we signed up for. Lord help me.

    Thanks for the post.

  4. Reminded me of a post earlier this year by Maria Lasoi, how our small yes’s matter to God and how small yes’s lead us to bigger yes’s; and that small yes’s are actually bigger yes’s in obedience to a big God.❤️

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